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Disaster Relief

Drinking Water And Sanitation
Water is a basic need for human life and must be available in adequate and sufficient quantity and quality. Poor sanitation and hygiene conditions are a cross-cutting health concern in villages of developing countries. Poor sanitation leads to diarrheal diseases, which are responsible for deaths of young children under five. Poor personal and household hygiene also lead to trachoma, dengue fever, increased rate of infections, and a number of other diseases. A home with standing water can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and increase malaria not just for that family, but for the entire neighbourhood. Due to Lack of potable water, villagers even drink from irrigation ditches, ponds, lakes and streams that contain high rates of harmful micro-organisms. Drinking of this unhealthy water causes frighteningly high infant mortality, shorter life spans and reduced energy for livelihoods. The access of safe drinking water is limited and water shortages can pose a real threat to daily life and the health of the communities in villages. Sometimes these villagers face severe drought in summer and face drinking water shortage. Such people have to walk several miles to get the drinking water for their family.
Sanitation facilities in villages are alarmingly poor and millions of having no access to toilets. To address this sanitation problem the governments, NGOs, non-profit organizations, donor agencies have been working in their own way, often with very little rigorous effort. Still there is lot of attention need to be given on hygienic conditions. We organize workshops and educate village communities about the importance of household hygiene, personal hygiene, and sanitation through outreach programs. We also have partnerships with local schools, encouraging children to adopt personal habits of hygiene, and to help their schools and their families adopt small sanitation measures like having 'tippy-taps' outside of latrines. Tippy taps are locally-constructed hand washing stations that make it easy for people to follow good hygiene practices.
To teach about the importance of safe water, we hold village outreach programs to educate about the importance of gathering water from clean water sources. We also educate villagers about the nature and danger of water-borne diseases contracted by drinking contaminated water. We install bore-well water pumps in villages so that clean water is available to them. To install one bore-well hand pumps it requires at least ₹68,000.00. One village needs at least two pumps and we will install more and more pumps in different villages and different regions.
Bring someone Safe Water with monthly Donation of ₹4,000.00, ₹8,000.00 .
OMDC is trying to transform more lives with safe drinking water with your generous support, please consider making a monthly donation. It only takes a few minutes for you and that will help others for a lifetime. Your support gives poor villagers hope, good health and communities a safe future. Please donate online one time or monthly recurring donation at our website using safe and secure PayPal system. Please click on DONATE NOW to give good life to the villagers with clean water.

Ethnic Riots Victims
The increase in ethnic conflicts around the world is a reality. The conflicts that arise from ethnicity-related are influenced by many factors that substantially determine the course of international relations, such as political and economic globalization, the balance of power, and regionalization. The regional issues such as economic imbalance, high unemployment rate, poverty, insecurity due to discrimination and water sharing between states are the main reasons for ethnic classes between the communities around the globe. Interests of political parties always try to influence the vote bank that sometime lead to the ethnic violence due to communal tensions between the communities. When people involved in strikes and agitations in order to pressurize governments to meet their demands also causes violence and ethnic disturbances. These disturbances and violence when occurred on a large-scale resulted in destruction of lives, damaging to private and public property, looting etc.
Temporary shelter and tents
Food packets
Warm and daily usage clothes
Sanitation and drinking water
Free Medical kits
Medical camps
School bag kits for students
OMDC always reaches out to these victims on the ground and provides relief material and brings the normalcy in their lives. Please help them as these helpless ethnic victims are looking towards you for help in their difficult times. Together we can bring a change in their life. Be generous and donate your zakat and sadaqah and make them feel secure. You can donate one time donation or monthly recurring donation at our website using safe and secure PayPal system. Please click on DONATE NOW to bring the happiness on the faces of victims.

Flood Effected Victims
The erratic weather conditions during monsoons and torrential rain causes cyclones, landslides, floods, flash floods ultimately results in damage to agricultural crops, damage to properties, loss of life, damage to structures, buildings, sewerage system, roadways, power stations and transportation system. The Floods can also occur in rivers when the flow rate exceeds the capacity of the river flow. Because of these heavy floods, it causes damage to drinking water supply system which results in water contamination that increases the risk of waterborne diseases such as typhoid, malaria, cryptosporidium, cholera, gastero, diarrhoea and many other diseases depending upon the location of the flood.
As a human being our responsibility is to respond back immediately with relief efforts and help the victims of flood victims and provide humanitarian assistance to ease their sufferings. The floods stricken victims are left with nothing to rebuild their lives. The people in these areas suffer not only physical but also emotional distress as well. They have seen their families and neighbours, perhaps even heard them calling for help when they could do nothing. They are left with desperation, as they are expected to start over again with nothing in their hands.
Donate to Floods Relief fund!
Disaster Relief is a way of reaching out to the victimized people in times of their difficulties. You can be a part of it by giving your best in whatever the way you can, help them and bring their life to normalcy. OMDC in collaboration with other NGOs take immediate measures to help such effected people and provide supporting the following areas:
Relief shelters
Medical camps
Drinking Water supply
Sanitizing the area
Distribution of clothes and blankets
Rebuilding of homes
OMDC as a charity organization will be first on the ground to help these victims with humanitarian aid supply. Please donate as much as you can to Flood`s Relief Fund online at our website. It will help us to release funds immediately whenever flood situation arises. You can make a donation of your zakat and sadaqah one time or monthly recurring through safe and secure PayPal system at our website. Please click on DONATE NOW to ease the sufferings of the victims. Together we can make a difference.

Winter Relief
The Freezing temperatures, heavy snow and chilling winds are putting thousands of families and older people lives in jeopardy as they struggle helplessly to keep their small children and older people warm and sheltered from the harsh winter conditions. These harsh and severe conditions of winter cause the collapse of infrastructure, also causes avalanches, and can pushes the homeless people in danger. So these poor people are urgently in need of blankets, food, medicine, and emergency shelters in order to protect them from severe winter. Because of extreme poverty they can`t afford to buy material to keep themselves warm. Therefore OMDC appeals to all of you to support with your generous donations. Your generous support enables us to effectively address the needs of these poverty stricken families and provide winter relief to them.
Donate ₹8,000.00 to provide blankets and warm clothes to a family!
Together we can make a difference. Your gift of ₹5,000.00 brings blankets and warm clothes to the entire family. You can donate your zakat and sadaqah generously to OMDC and extend support to the needy people to buy winter relief materials. You can donate online through safe and secure online PayPal system. You can make a onetime donation or can set up monthly recurring donation. Please click on DONATE NOW and complete donation process.

Natural Calamity
Every part of the world is susceptible to natural disasters and no one knows when and how the natural calamities will strikes the communities. These natural calamities could be earthquakes, cyclones, tsunami, floods and dangerous disease spread outs etc. As a human being our responsibility is to respond back immediately with relief efforts and help the victims of natural disaster and provide humanitarian assistance to ease their sufferings. The disaster stricken victims are left with nothing to rebuild their lives. The people in these areas suffer not only physical but also emotional distress as well. They have seen their families and neighbours, perhaps even heard them calling for help when they could do nothing. They are left with desperation, as they are expected to start over again with nothing in their hands.
Donate to OMDC`s Disaster Relief fund!
Disaster Relief is a way of reaching out to the victimized people in times of their difficulties. You can be a part of it by giving your best in whatever the way you can, help them and bring their life to normalcy. OMDC in collaboration with other NGOs take immediate measures to help such effected people and provide support in the following areas:
Relief shelters
Medical camps
Drinking Water supply
Sanitizing the area
Distribution of clothes and blankets
Rebuilding of homes
OMDC as a charity organization will make an appeal whenever there is a need to help the victims of natural calamities. Please lookout for our email circulation or announcements in community centre for relief help. As an individual you can volunteer or you can donate the funds.
Once you know what is needed, what you and you kid can do?
The details listed below are many ways that you and your family can volunteer and help OMDC for helping the victims of natural calamities.
Find the weather at the location of people that you are trying to help, If it's winter, last summer's outgrown shorts are not going to be as helpful as a sweater you don't wear anymore. Start a clothing drive at your school, masjid, church, or scout troop. And have a plan to get the goods to the drop-off site or picked up on time for delivery.
Your local supermarket may have a canned goods drive going on; check with them. If not, start your own. As with clothing, be sure to let people know what can be used and what would just be added weight.
Often, money is what the most needed so do a charity drive, bake sale, or car wash to raise money. Make sure a parent or another adult is involved, so you can figure out the best way to handle the money. OMDC need checks made out to them. A big jar to collect coins works great, as long as you take it to the bank to be counted (most have automatic counting machines which save hours of stacking and rolling coins), and then deposit the money into the adult's account so she can write the check.
Please donate generously to help the victims online at our website. Please click on DONATE NOW to contribute your responsibility towards helping these disaster victims.

Educate Orphans
Orphans are amongst the most vulnerable in the society as they do not have the same opportunities as other children. They are often forced into child labor in order to survive and miss out on a normal childhood. These orphans always suffer the most hardship because of the lack of governmental programs to address their educational needs and economic welfare. Often, these orphans in different counties are supported by their local community at a bare minimum subsistence level. The development of these orphan children to become contributing, law-abiding, responsible citizens of the country is severely hampered by a lack of educational and economic opportunity.
OMDC believes that only through systematic educations these orphan children can be alleviated above the poverty line. With your generous donations OMDC will support these children in orphanages and would provide education by enrolling them in established schools and colleges.
The main objectives of this project: ₹2,400.00 per month only.
Meet the basic survival needs of
Provide financial support for basic and continuing education
Monitor their progress in their educational goals
Remove obstacles that hinder their progress
This process will help them become contributing, law-abiding, responsible citizens of the society. To promote an economically stable family life and healthy environment at home, a monthly allowance is given to widowed mothers. The child is no longer forced to work to supplement the family income to the detriment of their own educational goals. You can become sponsor of one or of several children. Through sponsorship you will receive a photo of the child, progress reports and you may also arrange to visit them if you come to India. Such a contribution goes a long way in changing the lives of these individual children and their families, giving each child the skills to make their own way in life and contribute to their community. We are hoping that we can provide more children with an education in the future because there are many poor children in villages and in sub-urban areas, who are not getting any education due to lack of money or the uneducated parents.
Give them the opportunity of going back to school; these orphans could develop practical skills, which would enable the communities to break out of the cycle of poverty.
By sponsoring a child for only ₹80.00 a day that is ₹2,400.00 per month, you will be providing him or her with the basics that every child deserves - food, health care and education.
Please make a commitment today and click on DONATE NOW to sponsor an Orphan monthly or you can donate ₹2,400 one time for one child for one year.
OMDC child protection policy
The location and family name of a child will be withheld until the donor has been identified. OMDC will not publish or make public the address, telephone number or e-mail contact of any of the children or their families.
Sponsorship is based on the agreement that donors will not attempt to contact the orphan or their family by any means without the specific permission of .
The donor and orphan are free to exchange correspondence through .
The donor may visit the orphan, at their own expense, provided written permission is obtained in advance. OMDC may obtain background checks before permitting such visits. The visit will be supervised at all times by the Orphans Welfare Officer within that country.
Photographs and other data posted on the website or circulated through emails are for the purpose of finding potential sponsors with relevant information about the orphan's welfare program. The information and photographs may not be downloaded, copied or replicated without the express permission of .
aims to secure sponsorship for orphans to provide them with a better future to enable them to be able to support themselves and their communities.
is fully committed to protecting the security, privacy and dignity of its orphans and their families. The Child Rights and Protection procedures detailed in this section are in place to ensure the safety and welfare of children, and to offer them protection from exploitation or abuse.
Children’s Rights
The need for physical care and attention
The need for intellectual stimulation
The need for emotional love and security
The need for social contact and relationships
The right to have their needs met and safeguarded
The right to be protected from neglect, abuse and exploitation
The right to be protected from discrimination
The right to be treated as an individual. The location and family name of a child will be withheld until the donor has been identified. will not publish or make public the address, telephone number or e-mail contact of any of the children or their families.

Scholarship Program
Most of the families in villages and slum area live below the poverty line and have very small income that they cannot afford to send their children to school. Many of the parents go to work in the morning and with the salary of the same day they buy food for dinner. They do not have any savings to pay school fees and mostly do not have time or the knowledge to teach their children themselves.
Donate Zakat/ Sadaqah for Scholarship with Just ₹2,400.00 per month
This Scholarship program in to extend support to such poor and needy Children. The goal of the Scholarship Program is to provide financial support to these very poor or orphan children for their basic and higher education.OMDC believes that we can eliminate poverty through education for future generations. The cost of this program is ₹2,400.00 per month per child. Be part of this program and do participate to change the life of these poor students. For higher studies like medicine and engineering the sponsorship cost is little high with ₹80 per month.
You can make one time donation or can set up monthly recurring donation online at our website using safe and secure PayPal system. Please click on DONATE NOW and allow these kids to enable the best education and in return you will get rewards as it is a Sadaqahjariya.

School Bag Kits
As we all know when a school year begins for children, they must have basic supplies to attend the school. Due to increasing poverty, many families are forced with the decision of buying food or school supplies for their children. Even majority of schools in the rural villages and urban slums do not have enough text books to teach the children, leave alone any writing journals for the children to practice their writing skills. The situation is very serious. As a result, teachers have to copy out texts stemming from their own copy of the books, while the children do their work on scraps of old paper. In some schools, where the situation is a little better, five children share one text book, some pens and pencils amongst each other to complete their homework even parents can`t afford to buy them. How can anyone learn anything under these conditions?
Donate Zakat and Sadaqah for school bag kits!
Sponsor one school bag kit with just ₹800.00
Sponsor school bag kits for entire class of 20 students with just ₹16,000.00
Sponsor school bag kits for entire school of 300 students with just ₹2,40,000.00
Please help us to make a difference, and enable children to have the basic necessities needed to create an adequate learning environment. You can make one time donation or you can set up monthly recurring donation using safe and secure PayPal system at our website. Please click on DONATE NOW to change the life of these unfortunate children.

School Uniforms
The majority of students who attends school in villages and urban slum areas are in torn school uniforms or ragged old clothes. Parents are so poor and they are not able to afford new school uniforms as a result students stop going to the schools. Therefore OMDC aims to provide free school uniforms for those impoverished children in the villages and sub-urban communities. As little as ₹800.00 (INR) is required to buys a child a decent quality school uniform and even a better idea would be to buy the school uniforms in bulk. This not only saves us a lot of money, but also enables us to change the lives of several pupils at once, instead of focusing on only one child.
Sponsor school uniforms for poor/orphan students:
You can sponsor a school uniform for one child with just ₹800.00
You can sponsor a school uniform for 10 students for just ₹8,000.00
You can sponsor a school uniform for entire school of 300 students for just ₹1,20,000.00
You can donate your zakat and sadaqah for sponsoring uniforms for poor and orphan students. You can make onetime donation or monthly recurring donation using safe and secure PayPal system at our website. Please click on DONATE NOW and contribute your love and affection with these poor children.

Support Rural Schools
The villages and urban-slum areas are the most breeding ground for poverty, exploitation, negligence, destitution and disease. The children living in villages and slums have minimal access to schools; there is a high rate of dropouts from schools by grade 8, often slum children are employed in the labor sector at a young age and village children assist parents in the fields.
Many children from villages are seeking to supplement the family income by working in distant locations which make regular attendance at school is impossible. Sometimes parents prefer to send their children for work over sending them to the school. Because their economic situation does not allow them to buy school books, study material, school uniforms and pay school fee. However, generous donors like you can sponsor to provide all these materials to the children so that they can feel happy to go the school. Even the infra-structure of the schools in villages and urban-slums is very poor and do not have the basic amenities. The school class room roofs are in bad condition and leaks during rainy season, even some areas do not have permanent building for the school. Schools do not have student desks to sit, no drinking water facility, no library and no toilets. All above reasons discourage students not to attend the school. OMDC aimed at to help these children to stay in school by providing educational material and other services.
Donate Zakat and Sadaqah to Support schools!
In villages the schools are in very bad shape and need lots of improvements,the parents and families are more than willing to help build and improve their schools, but they did not have the enough economic resources to undertake these improvements. Therefore OMDC`s focus is to extend support to build and improve these schools with your generosity and provide furniture, educational material, infra-structure support, computers and salary to the teachers so that the schools can enrol more number of children and provide quality education without charging any fee.
Donate as little as you wish per month to support a school:
We are looking for partners to help us give rural indigenous communities an opportunity to provide their children with the education they need to achieve their dreams. Through our "Adopt a Rural School" program you can play a big part in improving the lives of children in schools like these.You can adopt a rural school, supporting any of these critical needs or all of them.
will provide 5 children with a year's school supplies
will buy a teacher's resource pack
will pay for a school's bookshelves and a chalkboard
will create a school library or outfit a school with furniture
will construct a playground
will buy student desks
will rebuild a rural school using green building technology
Any donation, no matter how small, will go to help a rural/slum school. Please be generous and donate to educate young minds and gain rewards from Allah SWT. All of your donations are tax deductible. You can donate one time or set up monthly recurring donation using safe and secure PayPal system on our website. Please click on DONATE NOW and bring the change in the life of these underprivileged children.

Free Medical Camps
In developing countries majority of the people are living below the poverty line in villages and urban-slums. They struggle day to day for survival also faces difficulty to find the work to support their family. In such situations it is even unimaginable for them to think of healthcare unless there is any emergency arises. Due to the ever-increasing costs, these poor people cannot even afford to pay the consultation fee to the doctors. During their financial difficulty, they may feel happy and comfort experience if they get an opportunity to attend free medical camps and get the medicines free of cost. OMDC in collaboration with local hospitals and medical colleges organizes free medical camps in remote villages and in urban-slums and distribute medicines free of cost. We even organize free medical camps in the event of epidemic outbreaks, natural disasters, flash floods and other similar calamities. Volunteer medical professionals from local hospitals and medical colleges participate in these free medical camps. The expenses of free medical camp and medicines are incurred from the donations supported by the generous donors like you.
Sponsor a free Medical camp
OMDC is dedicated to providing medical services to the poor and unprivileged people with your generous support. As we know maintaining good health is a first step towards a happy life. Yet vast segments of the world's population have neither access to proper nutrition nor medical care, nor have they received even the most rudimentary education in achieving and maintaining good health. It is the responsibility of fortunate people like all of us to help these helpless poor people to maintain good health to good society. Each camp at a village of approximate 200 beneficiaries will cost only ₹40,000.00. Please sponsor a medical camp with your zakat and sadaqah and get the reward from Allah SWT. One person can donate for one camp or two people can share with ₹20,000.00 each or five people can share₹8,000.00 each to sponsor a medical camp. Please click on DONATE NOW to sponsor a medical camp in a remote village or urban-slum area.

Free Medicine & First Aid Kits
In remote villages people are very poor and living under the poverty line also they struggle day to day for survival. They are not in a position to pay consultation fees even while visiting doctors so they avoid going to the doctors and look for homemade remedies for treatment. OMDC in collaboration with local medical professionals will train some selected people in each village with basic nursing skills and how to do first aid in case of emergency. These trained people are called as community health workers and will look after the entire village. Regularly our volunteer medical professionals visit villages and educate them about the importance of healthcare services and maintaining hygienic conditions. These community workers will keep enough medicines with them and give to the patients free on need basis.
Sponsor one First Aid Kit with ₹2,240.00 only!
OMDC will distribute First Aid kits to every home in villages so that they should be able to take care of themselves in case of minor injuries. These First Aid Kits provide a quick, handy storage solution for minor accidents, fever, allergies and other medical emergencies. The primary purpose of distributing first aid supplies to villagers is to apply basic first aid to the patient while he is not yet brought to the hospital to be seen and checked by a professional doctor. First aid kits are important and all homes should have them. Injuries can happen anywhere and anytime. Having a first aid kit that can be easily accessed ensures that everyone in the home is safe. The kits can be used in reducing infections that come from open wounds and also severity of an injury.
Sponsor Free Medicines with just ₹2,240.00 only!
First aid kits can be assembled with a wide variation of contents, supplies and equipment, all for use in giving first aid. Basically these First Aid kits will have the following supplies:
Antibiotic ointment
Tincture Iodine solution
Multi size bandages
Sterile strips and butterfly bandages
Tapes- include duct, adhesive and paper
Instant cold packs
Cotton balls and cotton-tipped swabs
Nitrile gloves
Hand sanitizer
Claritin (non-drowsy antihistamine)- fever/allergies
Alcohol pads
Scissors and tweezers
Several large safety pins
Magnifying glass
Rubber bag (hot water bottle)
Benadryl (Allergies/body itching)
Paracetamol (pain Killer/Fever reducer)
Eucalyptus essential oil (ZindaTilismat)
Please donate generously ₹4,000.00 or more to sponsor free medicines and First Aid kits to distribute in villages to the poor people. Please click on DONATE NOW to sponsor medication kits.

Medical Treatment Assistance
Nowadays the healthcare has become a nightmare for the poor as the hospital services cost is too high apart from the cost of surgeries and medications. The fruits of advanced and super specialty medical services are enjoyed by only rich people of the society where as a large mass of the society particularly living in slums and remote villages do not get the basic medical needs. They have to depend only on government hospitals which are not within the access to the remote villagers. Whenever a family is facing a financial hardship due to a serious medical situation they look for help from well-wishers and generous donors like you. The cost of surgeries and cancer therapy is too expensive and the poor people can`t afford.
Donate your Zakat and sadaqah for sponsoring the treatment of patients!
OMDC support financially to the individuals for their medical treatment or they will refer to their partnered hospitals for free treatment and the expenses are taken care with your generous donations. Whenever request comes from the patient OMDC make appeals case by case within the community and generate funds for the treatment. Sometime single donor sponsors all medical expenses for the treatment of the patient and sometimes collectively many donors share the treatment expenses. Usually we share all the details of the patient to the donor so that the donor should feel comfortable. Together we can bring the happiness and make them live longer. Please be generous and donate as much as you can to help these helpless poor patients. Please click on DONATE NOW to send your donations. You can donate one time or monthly recurring donation using safe and secure PayPal system at our website.

Mobile Clinics
In developing countries health services have become a nightmare because of high cost involved as poor villagers can`t afford and the government hospitals also not reachable. The nearest hospital could be miles and miles away and some might even have to travel to other cities just to take tests at medical laboratories. Despite government efforts like opening public hospitals and even giving free medicine, many people have yet to experience the benefits of adequate health services. To supplement this situation, the private institutions and charitable organizations have started providing medical services to the villagers through mobile clinics .OMDC in collaboration with local hospitals provides Mobile clinic services to the poor and needy people.
Bringing a Clinic to the doorstep of Poor!
Mobile Clinic is a basic medical clinic that we bring directly to the poor. Staffed not only by general practitioners, this clinic also provides patients with dental, OB/GYN, and paediatric care, as well as access to preventative tests and are equipped with a basic laboratory station to provide doctors in the field with instant results to guide their diagnosis and treatment. The advantage of mobile clinics is the ability to respond to emergency situations in a quick time. It will be a quicker and more effective response to epidemic outbreaks. It is also more extensive access to preventive care for patients who do not require hospitalization or specialist visits. Mobile clinic staff can meet the victims in their time of need. When there are two or more mobile units in an area, they can be connected together to form a whole hospital or a complete medical facility. This can be especially useful in cases of natural disasters, like when a village is ravaged by hurricane, earthquake, tsunami other kinds of calamity.
Ensuring Patient Follow-Ups!
Mobile Clinic participants have the opportunity to work closely with and learn from the doctors as they identify individuals in need of follow-up care.The patients who present serious symptoms are provided year-round follow-up care by our community health workers and field nurses. The follow-up services include accompanying patients along each step of the process, providing financial support for treatments, educating individuals about their illnesses, and connecting patients to other health care providers, among others.
Providing Preventive Education!
These mobile clinics not only provide health services also become modes of humanitarian vessels of charitable outreach. The medical mobile van will roam in entire village areas and provide medical facility also provide educational workshops focus on informing patients about common health problems, demonstrating important screening tests, and answering questions that concerned parents and family members may have. In this medical mobile van a doctor and nurse will also be available and they will prescribe the medicines and give treatment to the patients at the same place.
Donate Zakat and Sadaqah for Treatment
Mobile clinic services aim to provide free health care to the poor and needy, in collaboration with Volunteer Doctors and Nurses from hospitals and medical colleges. The expenses of the medicines are covered by the donations offered by the generous donors like you. The mobile medical service will directly give treatment to the patient wherever he/she is residing and this idea will be appreciated and welcomed by the people residing in rural areas. Please donate generously online at our website using safe and secure PayPal system with one time donation or monthly recurring donation. Please click on DONATE NOW to participate in providing health services which is a sadaqajariaya and you will get the reward lifelong.

Sponsor Medical Equipment
Medical treatment at private and corporate hospitals has become very expensive only rich people can afford the treatment at such hospitals. The poor people have to depend either on government hospitals or community hospitals or diagnostic centre clinics. The government hospitals are very far and miles and mile away from the remote villages the only alternative is the community hospitals and clinics. Mostly these hospitals are run by non-profit organization to serve the poor people living either in villages or urban-slum areas. Rural community hospitals typically are much smaller than their urban and suburban counterparts and have only fever beds to accommodate patients. Rural community hospitals provide their patients with the highest quality of care while simultaneously tackling challenges due to their often remote geographic location, small size, limited workforce, and constrained financial resources. At rural hospitals' low-patient volumes also make it difficult for them to maintain high standards unless they have sufficient financial support to overcome the expenses like salaries to the medical professionals, buying new medical equipment, furniture, arranging extra beds and maintaining ambulance services for emergencies.
Donate Zakat and Sadaqa to sponsor Medical Equipment for clinics!
OMDC financially support to these hospitals and diagnostic centres so that they can equip their hospitals with latest medical equipment. Please help us to help them develop and build health facilities in villages and urban-slums and serve the poor community. Please donate generously to give healthier, longer and stronger life to the unfortunate poor people. Please click on DONATE NOW to sponsor medical equipment for hospitals and diagnostic centres.

Computer Training Centers
Computer Technology is increasingly making new applications. Earlier computers were mainly used for data processing. Most of the companies and organizations had many applications like pay roll, inventory control, account payables etc. But today this scenario is gradually changing. Many of the services that we make use of in our daily life is associated with computer applications. Thus computer applications give ample scope for rural and sub-urban unemployed youth to create employment opportunities. The youth is the back bone of the society since today's youth are tomorrow's citizens, Therefore if the unemployed youth are trained and made employable certainly they will become good and balanced citizens of the country and the society or else they may become the victims of any addiction and become burden to the society and the country.
Sponsor a student with ₹4,000.00 for computer / Financial package Training!
OMDC has aimed at empowering the unemployed youth (both girls &boys) in rural and sub-urban areas around the globe by establishing computer training centres. The computer education program is an integrated approach to train in the job oriented computer course especially for unemployed/college drop outs both boys and girls also men and women. The unemployed youth will be trained rigorously for 6 months in the following job oriented courses: MS Office& DTP, Graphics Design and Animation, Web Designing
Objectives of the computer training program!
To empower unemployed youth men and women.
Train the youth with soft skill so that the industry is readyto employ.
Make the unemployed men and women to face the challenges of corporate demands.
Prepare the youth for the 24 x 7 challenge in today’s market demand.
To train the unemployed youth develop their English skills as per the market demand.
The unemployed boys/men and girls/women will become self-reliant
Training on computerized accounting packages!
The advancements in information technology have eventually led to the introduction of Computerized Accounting Systems to help produce relevant and faithful representative financial reports for both management and external users for decision making. Computerized accounting tends to involve dedicated accounting software and digital spreadsheets to keep track of a business or client's financial transactions. It is a beneficial use of current technological advances. Accounting Software is a class of computer programs that perform accounting operations. Accounting Software is an application software that records and processes accounting transactions within functional modules such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and trial balance. Thus, these software packages allow the whole accounting system to be run on a computer hence the name Computerized Accounting System. A computerized accounting system records accounting transactions using a computer and accounting software. It is one of the database-oriented applications wherein the transaction data is stored in well- organized database. The user operates on such database using the required interface and also takes the required reports by suitable transformations of stored data into information. Therefore, the fundamentals of computerized accounting include all the basic requirements of any database-oriented application in computers. It helps simplify, integrate, and streamline all the business processes, cost-effectively and easily and helps presents the true picture of all the business undertakings to users of financial reports. Due to the rapid change in technology, many small businesses prefer to track monetary transactions with computerized software than keep track of all financial activity manually through the use of a physical ledger. The student will be trained rigorously for 6 months in the following accounting packages:
QuickBooks, Tally, wings, Sage One, Financial Edge etc.
Please donate generously to help these underprivileged unemployed youth to get trained in job oriented courses so that they can easily get the jobs companies or organizations. You have the following options to sponsor with your Zakat or Sadaqah donations.
You can sponsor a computer training student with only ₹4,000.00
You can sponsor a financial package training student with only ₹40,000.00
You can sponsor a computers to add to the computer lab with each computer ₹48,000.00
You can make one time donation or set up monthly recurring donation through safe and secure PayPal system on our website. Please click on DONATE NOW to make you donation now.

Driver's License Training
The Automotive industry in Asian counties is one of the largest and one of the fastest growing industry. There is a huge demand for light vehicle driver's in Indian sub-continent and in Middle East and has created employment opportunities for the youth. Unfortunately, due to lack of money the poor and unfortunate uneducated youth are not able to learn driving and get driving licenses. Once they get license they could join any company or firm and make their livelihood or they can go to Middle East and can get better paid job. Apart from this they could drive the cab and make enough money to support their family.
Sponsor a student to get the training in driving!
OMDC has aimed to empower these unemployed youth (both girls & boys) in rural and sub-urban areas so that they can learn driving in order to obtain the driving license. OMDC will extend financial support to these unfortunate youth in collaboration with other NGOs. The driver`s license training program consists of classroom instructions and 30 hours of behind-the-wheel instructions with an approved driver training instructor. The instructors have years of experience teaching driving lessons to students in complete adherence to the guidelines and standards defined by department of transportation and public safety.
Objectives of Driver`s License Training!
To help promote lifetime learning opportunities in the field of traffic safety, which will instil the skills, habits, and attitudes necessary to achieve positive driving behaviours and values.
To empower unemployed youth men and women to settle in life.
Train the youth with mechanical skill so that the industry is ready to employ.
Prepare the unemployed youth to face the challenges of automobile industry demands.
Prepare the youth for the 24 x 7 challenge in today's job market demand.
To train the unemployed youth develop their driving skills as per the market demand.
Through training the unemployed youth will become self-reliant
We only can achieve this noble cause with the help of generous donors like you. Please sponsor one or many persons and be part of the khair and their success. The cost for one person`s sponsorship is ₹16,000.00 only. Please donate generously through safe and secure PayPal system. Please click on DONATE NOW to contribute your donation.

Free Sewing Machines
People living below the poverty line are the labourers and work on meagre payments just to earn enough money to support their family. Due to low income they feel it is very difficult to provide good education to their children. In such circumstances if they get an opportunity to learn and develop some skills in order to earn more money they feel very happy to support their family. OMDC has aimed to help them and train them in basic tailoring and embroidery skills. After training in tailoring and embroidery if they were given a gift of sewing machine they would be very happy to take care of their children. Therefore a gift of sewing machine helps lift a woman out of poverty and creates new jobs in her community.
Donate just ₹8,000.00 for Sewing Machine as a Gift on Your behalf!
OMDC provides rigorous training to these unfortunate women and girls for 6 month and rewards them with the gift of a sewing machine so that they can start putting their new skills to good use. After they graduate they can start their own business while others can join forces to set up local cooperatives.
By providing a sewing machine to those in need, they now have a chance to start their own tailoring business. Once the sewing machine is given, training is provided people can start putting their new machines and skills practiced. They can start earning the funds by making and altering clothes in their community, people who formerly had no hope can now send their children to good schools also can support their family. Please provide a practical gift of sewing machine to those who really need the most. By sponsoring a sewing machine, you can make a permanent difference to the quality of their life and become proficient in the craft of tailoring.
Donate to Help Girls & Women
OMDC focuses on developing the potential of poor women and orphan girls to make long lasting equitable changes. We strategically emphasize on promoting self-employment, gender equitable and sustainable livelihood opportunities among women. Our efforts are focused to fight against underlying causes of poverty and ensuring a life of dignity for all women and girls from the most marginalised and vulnerable communities.
Please be generous and donate your Zakat and Sadaqah to buy a sewing machine as a gift to a underprivileged women. You get rewards whenever she uses to make money to support her family. Please click on DONATE NOW and be part of the good cause.

Micro-Finance For Business
Traditional banks do not usually reach the rural population and are not interested in giving small loans to low-income families. For this reason, microfinance has been recognized as an important instrument to meet the financing needs of the rural poor and low-income population. Microfinance is about giving small loans for different purposes. Microfinance is a lending mechanism, which is similar to a repayable interest free loan given by some banks, but differs in its nature and size. Microfinance is generally small in volume and responds directly to the specific needs of rural or low-income urban communities.
Zakat / Sadaqah donations for Microfinance projects
Micro-finance is a proven way to strengthen viable, small businesses, resulting in increased household income and savings, and thus, alleviating the crunch of economic poverty. Microfinance system is designed for those people who do not have access to other formal financial institutions. Micro-finance beneficiaries are often self-employed, agricultural farmers, push-cart vendors, basket weavers and household-based business entrepreneurs. The access to micro-finance would help the poor to smooth cash flow and avoid periods where access to food, clothing, shelter, or education is lost. Micro-finance loan can make it easier to manage shocks like sickness of a wage earner, theft, or natural disasters. The poor people uses such financial help to build assets like buying land, developing agriculture, improving business which gives them future security. Women participants in micro-finance programs often experience important self-empowerment.
Because of the economic development initiative taken by NGOs, self-employed, agricultural farmers, push-cart vendors, basket weavers, many small businesses expand and become viable. As a result, poor families have enough to feed their children and send them to school. The marginalized poor develop their businesses and manage to live a decent life. This approach is very powerful in lifting communities from economic poverty, ultimately leading the community to be self-reliant and live with dignity. OMDC is supporting to the poor and unprivileged people through micro- finance in collaboration with other NGOs. If you decide to partner with OMDC in building economically stronger communities, you would be helping to reach out to millions of poor people and adding on to microfinance funds for communities. You can donate your Zakat and Sadaqah for microfinance support. It is an act of sadaqah jariya and you will get reward lifelong for helping the poor. OMDC shall partner with local NGOs in funds disbursement and keep the track of the funds utilization in business setup and progress. To support microfinance projects please click on DONATE NOW and send your donations. You can make one time donation or setup monthly recurring donation through safe and secure PayPal system on our website.

Vocational Training
Vocational training prepares unemployed youth for jobs that are based on practical activities, when compared to academic formal education. The vocational training sometimes referred as technical education as the trainee directly develops expertise in a particular group of techniques or technology. Vocational training in developing counties is provided on a full time as well as part time basis. Full time programs are generally offered through I.T.I.s industrial training institutes for a period of two years.
Sponsor a student for 6 months training with just ₹4,000.00
The vocational Training is a vital way of developing economic situation and bringing social change in individuals and it will help in uplifting the development in society. This vocational training is a means to eradicate the unemployment among the youth. OMDC supports the poor and unemployed youth (men & women) and offers scholarships to them in order to join vocational courses where they can learn skills and shape up their career that makes them to earn livelihood to support their families. OMDC encourages poor unemployed youth to get technical training in the following job oriented technical trades:
TV repair
Air conditioning repair
Auto electrician
Motor winding
Auto mobile mechanic
Plumbing & Fittings
Mechanical turner
Lab technician
X-ray technician
Objectives of vocational Training!
To empower unemployed youth men and women.
Train the youth with mechanical skill so that the industry is ready to employ.
Make the unemployed men and women to face the challenges of industrial demands.
Prepare the youth for the 24 x 7 challenge in today's job market demand.
To train the unemployed youth develop their English skills as per the market demand.
The unemployed boys/men and girls/women will become self-reliant
Please help these poor students with your Zakat and Sadaqah donations and shape their careers so that they can support their families. You can sponsor one student with ₹4,000.00 for six months training or you can sponsor multiple students and make donation through monthly recurring payment on secure PayPal system. To make your generous donation please click on DONATE NOW today.

Women Tailoring Centres
The main objective of this tailoring training program is to enhance the quality of life of women and teenage girls through enhancement of their skills and knowledge. Due to poverty, these teenage girls drop out of high school to get married and work as temporary farm workers, sweepers and manual scavengers. They needed to learn newer vocational skills such as tailoring (sewing) which can help them earn more income and become economically self-sufficient and independent. This will alleviate poverty, help them support their family needs without being dependent of husband and parents. In order to help them, OMDC started free tailoring (sewing) training centres in various locations.
In these training centres, tailoring skills are imparted free of cost. Students are trained by a qualified professional tailoring teacher. Certificates are given to those who successfully complete the course. These tailoring classes enable women/Girls in rural and sub-urban areas to earn on their own, making them self-confident and self-dependent. After completing of 6 months rigorous training, some women/Girls can start their own tailoring shops, while many can secure well-paying jobs in the export garment factories in the nearby areas, or sub-contract work from large tailoring shops.
Sponsor tailoring Centre
To start one tailoring centre it will cost approximately ₹4,80,000.00 that include 10 branded sewing machines, two embroidery machines, accessories, rent of the location and salary of a master Trainer. To sponsor a new tailoring centre click on DONATE NOW and be a proud sponsor. You can sponsor the entire amount or several donors can share the cost to make it easy for donation.
Help us to Empower Woman
OMDC don’t exist without the generous support of individuals that support our work through donations/charities like Zakat, Qurbani, Fidya, Fitra and Sadqah. With these donations/charities like Zakat, Qurbani, Fidya, Fitra and Sadqah, we can empower women by providing small businesses to allow them financial self-dependent.
The Woman's Empowerment Project
OMDC runs woman's empowerment projects in India. The concept of woman’s empowerment is to create a viable economic opportunity for widows and destitute woman living in poverty. This makes it attainable for them to give share to their family's disposable income in a safe manner. Empowering women economically allows for greater economic independence, self-confidence, social participation and finally increased gender equality.
Social Welfare

Aquiqah, in Islamic terminology, is defined as sacrifice of an animal on the occasion of a child's birth. The performance of Aquiqah is highly encouraged. It is to be performed by the parents or the guardians of the child. The Aquiqah requires one goat for a baby girl and two goats for a baby boy and it has to be slaughtered in the seventh day if not possible, then in the fourteenth, if not, in the twenty fourth, if not, and then at any time. The Aquiqah is a must. If you don't do this for your child, your child will not intercede for his parents on the day of resurrection. If you parents did not perform Aquiqah for you because of various reasons then you can make the Aquiqah yourself at any time. You can distribute the meat to the poor or you can arrange a feast.
OMDC arrange to perform an Aquiqah on your behalf by selecting a sheep of six months old and above or a goat of one year old and above and clear from any defects. We slaughter the animals and distribute the meat among the poor families or we can arrange a feast to the needy people provided you pay all expenses. The photographs of the animal and meat distribution will be provided upon request. The cost of each animal is about ₹12,000.00, for feast it going to cost extra. Please click on DONATE NOW to feed the poor people with your Aquiqah meat.

In some circumstances, a Muslim is not able to fulfil his or her religious obligation to fast during the month of Ramadan, or may want to recompense for a broken oath. Fidiya and Kaffara are the two solutions offered that can help a Muslim compensate for not fasting or breaking other obligations-paying of Fidiya or Kaffara also benefits members of the community who live in impoverished conditions. The following answers are meant to provide a basic understanding of Fidiya and Kaffara, and were derived through the consultation of a council of imams who follow the Fiqh Council of North America. It is advised that you consult with your local imam or scholar for more detailed inquiries.
Fidiya₹800.00 for each day fasting is missed during Ramadan
The Fidiya is a donation type within the Islamic tradition paid by individuals who cannot fulfil the obligation of fasting due to illness or old age or any other reasonable reason. Fidiya payments are meant to feed a miskeen (person in need) for each of the fasting days missed, and are equivalent to the price of one meal each for two people or two meals for one person. The estimated cost, on guidance from the Fiqh Council of North America, is ₹800.00 for each day missed or ₹24,000.00 for all 30 days of Ramadan. That price is based on the average cost of a basic meal throughout the country. Of course, if, on average, you spend more per meal, it is permissible to adjust the price accordingly. In addition, if the donor is from a low-income family, he or she should then care for the family's needs first before considering giving a separate Fidiya donation. Please click on DONATE NOW to pay your Fidiya online.
Kaffara₹800.00 for each meal and need to feed 60 people = ₹48,000.00
The Kaffara is also a donation type within the Islamic tradition that provides individuals who deliberately miss or break a day of fast during the month of Ramadan without a valid reason. According to Islamic guidelines, if a person misses a day of fasting unnecessarily, he or she should either fast for 60 consecutive days or feed 60 underprivileged people per day. The Kaffara of feeding sixty persons must be offered to distinct individuals and the estimated cost is ₹800.00 per person for 60 people, which equals ₹48,000.00 a day for each missed or broken-fast day. Please click on DONATE NOW to pay your Kaffara online.

Food Packets For Hunger
During Ramadan, Muslims are encouraged to be more charitable as it is a month of earning good deeds. Fortunate people like all of us should take a step ahead and help the unfortunate who are struggling to earn the bread on daily basis to support their family. OMDC Ramadan Food Packets program offers an opportunity for many needy people around the globe who face food insecurity and hunger to be provided with a 'Gift of Food Packet', which ensures that their burden is eased at least during the month of Ramadan. Each distributed food packet contains an amount of basic food commodities for a family of 5 for the month of fasting. Each food packet is designed to consist of the most basic required dietary food materials, as suitable for the community.
The cost of each Food Packet is only ₹4,000.00
Rice 20kg
Wheat flour 10kg
ChanaDaal 2kg
MoongDaal 2kg
Plain Salt 800gm
Tea 800gm
Sugar 2kg
Cooking Oil 2ltr
Coriandar Powder 200gm
Turmeric Powder 100gm
Red Chilli Powder 200gm
Qarshi Jam-e-Shirin 1.5ltr
Gram Flour (Baisan) 2kg
Dates 500gm
OMDC selects the wide range of beneficiaries that include widows, orphans, destitute, aged, disabled, refugees and people affected by disasters, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, class, location, religion, color, cultural diversity and social background. Your continuous donations towards our food packets projects leave an impact long after a single meal has been enjoyed.
The food packets distribution encourage children to attend school, improve student`s health and nutrition, address gender inequalities, stimulate economic growth, stops child labour. When communities have a healthy supply of food, children are able to concentrate in class, adults are able to work and earn a living- and most importantly, everybody is safe from the danger of malnutrition and ill health. You are one step closer to doing a good deed.
The Prophet (saw) said: "Whoever feeds a fasting person will have a reward like that of the fasting person, without any reduction in his reward." (AL TIRMIDHI) Please be generous and donate as much as you can. Each Food Packet cost only ₹4,000.00, please don`t think and take action now and click on DONATE NOW to contribute your share.

Orphan & Poor Women Marriages
Due to unimaginable poverty, countless families are unable to get their daughters and sisters married. Those underprivileged families are unable to pay huge sums of money as dowry to the bridegroom at the time of the marriage, which often pushes them under heavy debt and loans. In such circumstances women end up getting into illicit activities to make a living. Our effort is to curb such activities by getting these women get married by providing some basic amenities to start their livelihood. OMDC extends the support to orphan women and also to the poor parents in difficult situations by providing financial support to buy necessary gift items for the marriage. OMDC also offers some financial assistance to offset other marriage expenses. Depending on the region, it costs approximately ₹80,000.00 to support the simple marriage of one young woman. One can sponsor full expenses or two donors can match ₹40,000.00 each. You can donate your ZAKAT/SADAQAH to support these marriages.
We aim to get as many orphan girls as possible every year, married happily. By involving as many people as possible, we want to increase the number of orphan girls we get married, every year. OMDC wants to help all such orphan girls and families from across the country and arrange their wedding.
Items for Marriage: Marriage cost ₹80,000.00 only
Bed/Bedset /Almarah/Dressing Table/Utensils/Dinner Set/ Few dresses for Bride
Grocery items in some cases
You can sponsor and donate full expenses of one marriage or can donate whatever is possible for you. Please don`t thing act now and click on DONATE NOW to help these young women get married.

Support To Widows
The majority of people living below poverty line are in the developing countries are widows and their children. The economic, cultural or social reality is such that men are the main breadwinners. If they die, women and children often struggle to survive and have to beg help from others or go out to work. Education, play and other childhood pursuits are a luxury these people cannot afford. The mothers of these children need enough food to feed their family. The problems these widows face are enormous, both financially and emotionally. Often widow sends their young children out to work in the streets to earn money to support the family and as such the cycle of poverty continues.
Support a window with just ₹8,000.00 per month or any amount you wish!
Without a helping hand from generous donors like you, their destitution will impact on the lives of their children and their children's children for generations. Please come forward and give them the hope and ability to go to school, reclaim their childhood and get out of the cycle of poverty. Please help OMDC as it provides a widow with the sustainability she needs to rebuild her and her children's lives, a caring and loving environment with hunger and disease. Help us rebuild their shattered lives with a safe home, food, clothing, medicine and an education.
Please support a widow and her family for just ₹8,000.00 per month or ₹96,000.00 for a year. You can set monthly recurring payments through PayPal on our website to make it easy for you or you can make an easy payment as your budget allows. Please click on DONATE NOW to make your donation.

Zakat / Sadaqah
Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam and requires all followers of the faith to donate 2.5% of their personal wealth to help others in need every year. Muslims believe all things belong to Allah and personal wealth is granted by Allah, and held in trust by us during our lifetime. Zakat is a financial term used in Islam referring to the obligation that an individual donates a certain proportion of wealth to the poor. The virtues of Zakat are innumerable, it essentially means of growth and purification, and is a means of purifying our wealth and our hearts in the way prayer purifies our souls. The Zakat is the counterbalance to greed and selfishness, and a mercy for the poor and destitute as it liberates them for the humiliation of begging. It transforms lives and its potential to alleviate the poverty is significant. The zakat is firstly preferable to give to one's relatives over those who are not, if they are eligible since Islam places a great emphasis on maintaining family ties, but great care needs to be taken as to whether one's relatives remain eligible, since their wealth could have grown taking them over the threshold of 'Nisab.' Islam is strict as to the categories on whom the Zakat can be spent.
Zakat - donate 2.5% of personal wealth every year to the poor!
As Muslims, it is compulsory for us to donate 2.5% of our personal wealth to those who are less fortunate than ourselves. One has to make sure that we have enough money for our private outgoings, including enough money to look after our own family. Zakat is only paid on assets exceeding a minimum threshold or Nisab. The Zakat threshold or Nisab is calculated according to strict measures used to value gold and silver at the time of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). TheNisab is the exemption limit for the payment of Zakat. In other words, it is the amount which savings or capital or product must exceed in order for the Muslim owner to be obliged to give Zakat. Nisab amount calculated based on the cost of 84.9 grams of gold and 592.9 grams of silver. Please remember that you can pay your Zakat at any time during the year, and you can also set up a direct debit to pay your Zakat in monthly instalments between now and next year. However, many people choose to pay within the month of Ramadan every year for the extra blessings and so they don't forget to pay each lunar year.
OMDC has monthly recurring donation option through safe and secure PayPal system. Please click on DONATE NOW link and set up your monthly recurring donation or one time donation.
Most of OMDC projects are eligible for Zakat money!
Please donate your Zakat generously to OMDC as we will spend your donations on Zakat eligible projects only that benefit the poor, orphans, widows and other destitute people. If the donor identifies the project that is listed on our website and wishes to spend on that project we ensure that the donations will be spent according to their wishes. When requested we will also ensure that we send pictures of the project implementation to the donors so that it gives them a peace of mind.
Sadaqah (Continuous Charity): Donate Sadaqah throughout the year!
Sadaqah is an Islamic term that means voluntary charity - such as a charitable act, charitable giving with the intention of seeking the pleasure of Allah. OMDC accepts Sadaqah funds and uses on various projects. For those who want to donate Sadaqah but don't want to specify a project, they can give Sadaqah and OMDC will utilize properly and distribute your Sadaqah to people in extreme poverty in the form of cash, food (cooked, dry ration, meat), drinking water, clothing, scholarship support, medical assistance to the patients, support to schools, supporting to charity hospitals.
"If a human dies, then his good deeds stop except for three: a SadaqaJariyah (continuous charity), a beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for him." - Sahih Muslim
Sadaqah is one of the most rewarding good deeds we can do in our lives as the benefits of giving SadaqahJariyah can be reaped now, and we can continue to benefit after we have passed.
Your SadaqaJariyah could help many deserving people change their lives for good, and in return you continue getting the reward as long as the poor people continue benefits from your donation through good education, medical aid and livelihood programs. OMDC strongly believe in helping people earn a decent living and become financially independent and self-sufficient, instead of providing them perpetual assistance. Then they don't have to be provided with charity for food, medicines, shelter, clothing etc.
OMDC has monthly recurring donation option through safe and secure PayPal system. Please click on DONATE NOW link and set up your monthly recurring donation or one time donation.

Zakat-ul-fitra is an obligatory charity on every young and old; male and female; free and slave Muslim towards the end of the month of Ramadan as a token of thankfulness to Allah for having enabled him to observe fasts. According to Islamic tradition Zakat-Al-Fitra is compulsory and the head of household may pay the required amount for the other members. It provides the needs of the poor and the indigent and relieves them from having to ask others for charity on the day of `Eid. It is an addition to the annual Zakat also called as Sadaqa-Al-Fitra. Its importance is such that it is the hallmark of Eid and aptly named as Eid-ul-Fitr. It amounts to the value equivalent to feed a person for one day. Ibn Umar said: "The Prophet PBUH enjoined the payment of one Sa'a of dates or one Sa'a of barley as Zakat-Al-Fitra on every Muslim, young and old, male and female, free and slave." (Bukhari and Muslim).
Donate Zakat-Al-Fitra₹800.00 per person before Eid Prayers!
The wisdom behind paying Zakat Al Fitra is two folds.
To purify the month long fasting of the Muslims
To enable the poor and less fortunate to enjoy the celebration of Eid
Fitra is a charitable donation of food that must be given before Eid prayer, before the end of the month of Ramadan, for the love of Allah (SWT). Fitra must also be given by every self-supporting adult Muslim who has food in excess of their needs, on behalf of themselves and their dependants.
OMDCwill distribute your Zakat-al-Fitra on your behalf to Orphans, widows and poor families in need to ensure that these destitute people are provided with food during Ramadan and the day of Eid. The amount has been set at ₹10 per person and adults will also have to pay the amount for their dependents. Please click on DONATE NOW to pay your Zakat-al-Fitra before Eid prayers.